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Transformers: Age of Extinction is a 2014 American science fiction action film based on the Transformers franchise. It is the fourth installment of the live-action. Mediagazer presents the day's must-read media news on a single page. Gavankar has acted in theatre, film, television, and online. Her most notable roles include Papi in The L Word; Ms. Dewey, the personification of a Microsoft live.
Lisa Marie Presley is inching ever closer to speaking publicly about leaving Scientology. And yesterday, she seemed to take a pretty big move in that direction. In.
Transformers: Age of Extinction - Wikipedia. Transformers: Age of Extinction is a 2. American science fictionaction film based on the Transformers franchise. It is the fourth installment of the live- action.
Transformers film series, the first film in the sequel trilogy and the stand- alone sequel to 2. Dark of the Moon, taking place five years after its events. Like its predecessors, it was directed by Michael Bay and written by Ehren Kruger, with Steven Spielberg and Bay as executive producers.
It stars Mark Wahlberg. Watch Judgment Night Online Ibtimes. It is the first film in the series to feature a new cast of human characters and many new Transformers, including the Dinobots. The film was released on June 2. IMAX and 3. D.[5]Transformers: Age of Extinction received overwhelmingly negative reviews from critics, many of whom considered it poorly directed, badly acted, and terribly written as well as criticized the film's runtime, but received some praise for its action sequences, stunts, effects, and musical score. On Rotten Tomatoes the film holds an 1. Golden Raspberry Awards, including Worst Picture and Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip- off or Sequel, with Bay and Kelsey Grammer winning the awards for Worst Director and Worst Supporting Actor, respectively.[6]Age of Extinction grossed over $1.

Transformers series, the 1. It was the sole film to gross over $1 billion in 2. A sequel, The Last Knight, was released on June 2.
Cullen, Tucci, and Wahlberg returning, and Bay directing. Sixty five million years ago, an alien race known as the "Creators" used devices called Seeds to terraform planet Earth, effectively wiping out the dinosaurs and covering it with an alloy called Transformium. In the present day, geologist Darcy Tirrel excavates the Transformium for K. S. I. Industries, which uses it to build man- made artificial Transformer drones. Five years after The Battle of Chicago, the humans have begun to view the Transformers as a threat, leading the U.

S government to terminate all human- Autobot joint programs. Although the public believes that the Autobots have been granted sanctuary, they are being hunted by a rogue, vengeful and xenophobic CIAblack ops division known as Cemetery Wind, led by opportunistic government official Harold Attinger, who believes that all Transformers should be exterminated regardless of their faction. They are aided by Lockdown, a Cybertronian bounty hunter working for the Creators, promising to give Attinger a Seed if his division manages to capture Optimus Prime. Cemetery Wind locates Ratchet in Mexico City and Lockdown kills him when he refuses to give up the whereabouts of Optimus Prime. Optimus, damaged in Mexico City and disguised as a rundown semi- truck, is discovered in an abandoned theater by Cade Yeager, a financially struggling Texan inventor, and brings him back to the farm. While his teenage daughter Tessa and business partner Lucas Flannery encourage him to turn Optimus over to the authorities after realizing what he really is, Cade instead fixes Optimus, hoping to understand his technology and unexpectedly revives him.
Still skeptical of Optimus and worried about Cade's safety, Lucas calls Cemetery Wind, who attacks and destroys the farm, but Optimus and Tessa's boyfriend, Irish rally car driver Shane Dyson, come to the family's aid. While on the run from Cemetery Wind and Lockdown, Lucas is killed by one of Lockdown's grenades. After escaping from their attackers, they take refuge in an abandoned gas station. Later, Optimus scans a passing truck and turns into a Western Star 5. Phantom Custom truck with the original red and blue paint with flames. Afterwards, Optimus summons the surviving Autobots – Bumblebee, who has assumed an alternate form, Hound, Drift, and Crosshairs – who have come to distrust humans due to Cemetery Wind constantly hunting them down. Using a CIA drone which he stole during the home invasion, Cade discovers K.
S. I.'s involvement in the attacks on the Autobots. Optimus vows to personally kill Attinger for his actions against his brethren. Infiltrating K. S. I.'s headquarters in Chicago, Cade discovers the remains of Autobots and Decepticons are being melted down to make the drones. Joshua Joyce, the ambitious company CEO, is in league with Attinger to revolutionize global defenses and improve human society using the Seed. He has captured Brains and is using him and Megatron's head to create prototype Transformer soldiers Galvatron and Stinger. Watch The Reluctant Dragon Download Full.
In a fit of rage, the Autobots storm the building, during which Bumblebee regains his original form by scanning a passing car, where they rescue Brains and destroy the laboratory, but they soon leave after Joshua announces that they are no longer needed. Attinger forces Joshua to deploy Galvatron and Stinger to attack the Autobots. During the battle, Galvatron's behavior becomes slightly erratic when he starts destroying vehicles. As Galvatron battles Optimus, it frees itself from control and speaks to Optimus. Lockdown then arrives and abducts Optimus while Galvatron and Stinger retreat; Tessa is inadvertently captured alongside Optimus in the midst of the chaos, leaving Cade and Shane devastated. While Lockdown's large prison spacecraft hovers over Chicago to hand over the Seed, Cade, Shane, and the Autobots use this opportunity to sneak on board and rescue Optimus and Tessa. They hijack a smaller ship, containing a number of other Autobots called the Dinobots, just before Lockdown leaves Earth.
The Autobots reveal to Cade that "Galvatron" is in fact Megatron, who had transferred his consciousness into the Galvatron drone after K. S. I. officials had accidentally revived him.
They realize that Galvatron is plotting to use the Seed and the K. S. I. drones to conquer the world, by detonating the Seed in Hong Kong, as K. S. I. has brought it there to use it in the remote Mongolian desert to create vast amounts of usable Transformium. Cade informs Joshua of Megatron's presence, causing him to have a change of heart and agreeing to hand over the Seed with help from Darcy and his Chinese business associate Su Yueming. Meanwhile, Lockdown discovers that Optimus has escaped and stole a part of his ship, forcing him to return to Earth to retrieve them. Optimus decides for the Autobots to no longer help the humans because of how they revived Megatron, but Cade explains to Optimus why something unintentional is not a reason for him to lose faith in them. Back at the facility, Joshua gets into a disagreement with Attinger over the Seed, threatening to expose Attinger's nefarious activities, whilst Attinger deduces Joshua's plot to betray him.
Galvatron unexpectedly reactivates himself and promptly takes control of the K. S. I. drones, and a battle follows in Hong Kong's streets between Cade's group, the Autobots, Cemetery Wind, Galvatron, and his drones. During the fight, Optimus gains the alliance of the Dinobots, who become essential to the Autobots' victory while Bumblebee kills Stinger.
Lockdown returns to capture Optimus and the Dinobots, using a large magnet in his ship that picks up and drops metal objects, causing destruction to the city. After disabling the magnet, Optimus fights Lockdown at an abandoned factory. In the ensuing duel, Optimus kills Attinger (who still angrily deems all Cybertronians aside from Lockdown as a threat) to save Cade, and avenging the deaths of his fellow Autobots. However, this allows Lockdown to pin Optimus down by impaling his chest with his own sword, damaging his spark. Cade, Bumblebee, Tessa, and Shane fight Lockdown, with Cade ending up fighting him head on while Tessa and Shane use a tow truck to free Optimus, who kills Lockdown before using one of his grenades to finish off the remaining drones. Galvatron retreats, vowing to return. As Lockdown's ship leaves Earth, Optimus tells the Autobots to protect the Yeagers (with Joshua offering to help the Yeagers build a new home) and lets the Dinobots go, before flying away into space with the Seed, sending a message to the Creators that he is coming for them.
CRAZY CRIMINAL PEOPLE” « The Underground Bunker. Lisa Marie Presley is inching ever closer to speaking publicly about leaving Scientology. And yesterday, she seemed to take a pretty big move in that direction. In April of last year, we first pointed out that a new song by Lisa Marie contained words a Scientologist in good standing would never use. The song was “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet,” and it was released ahead of the album Storm and Grace. Based on those lyrics, we said it was pretty likely that longstanding rumors were true and Lisa Marie had left the church. A month later, we obtained from her label the lyrics to the rest of the album’s songs, and revealed that the words in the song “So Long” no longer left any doubt that Lisa Marie had left Scientology behind.
This here is a city without lights. Those are all the people without eyes. Churches, they don’t have a soul. Soup for sale without a bowl. Religion so corrupt and running lives. Farewell, fair weathered friends.
I can’t say I’ll miss you in the end. In the year since, we’ve received further confirmation from our celebrity sources that Lisa Marie Presley has, indeed, given up on Scientology.
But she has not spoken publicly about it, and generally, when reporters ask her about the lyrics of her songs, she’s offered only vague stories about leaving a group of people who had been holding her back. Yesterday, however, the CBS- distributed show with the unfortunate name omg! Insider interviewed Presley at Graceland, and co- anchor Kevin Frazier asked her once again about the lyrics to “So Long.” (For some reason, he got the name wrong, calling it “Sticks and Stones,” which is another song on the album, but the lyrics on the screen are definitely from “So Long.”) Although the word “Scientology” is never uttered by Frazier or Presley, it’s only too obvious that her answer is all about leaving the church. And what an answer. Here’s what she said: Kevin: What’s that about? Lisa Marie: Well, it’s pretty self- explanatory. Kevin: But when you were writing it, what was going through your mind? Lisa Marie: There was a point in my life where no one would ever tell me anything bad.
No one was telling me what was happening or what was going on, really. So I had a very obscure and actually completely blocked view of reality for a very long time. So, when I got rid of all these nuts in my life and these, whatever they’re crazy criminal people, away, that I was like, OK, I’m going to go find out what’s really going on out there. Like other ex- Scientologists, Presley describes what it’s like to be inside the church’s bubble, kept from what’s really happening in the world. Other church members tell us that at some point, they became aware of the corruption in the church, and then became determined to learn what was really going on. Said former Scientology spokesman, Mike Rinder, when he saw this video last night, “She is less circumspect than I have heard her before about her views of the church.”She certainly is.
We’ve been told she’s not more vocal because she doesn’t want to lose contact with members of her family who are still in the church. As we’ve shown time and again at this website, people who dare leave Scientology often find themselves “declared” a “suppressive person,” and church members who want to remain in good standing then have to cut off all ties with that “SP,” even if it means splitting up families.
Actress Leah Remini managed to keep her family intact when she left Scientology this summer. Can Lisa Marie eventually do the same? ——————–Four Days to Super Power — And Look At This View! With just four days to go until Scientology dedicates its new “cathedral” in Clearwater, Florida, we were sent this view of the Super Power Building from an angle we’ve never seen before. As you can see, this photo was taken from inside one of the most holy places in Scientology’s earthly existence, the Fort Harrison Hotel! Looking over Fort Harrison Avenue from what looks like the fifth or sixth floor of the hotel, in the lower left you can see the air bridge that connects the two buildings. And yes, you can see the big bow on the Super Power Building, so you know this was taken in the last day or so.
That’s so cool! With hardly any notice at all, Scientologists are being asked to drop everything and get themselves to Flag (the name church members use for their complex in Clearwater). The following e- mail was sent to one of our celebrity sources inside the church, and gives you some idea of the big rush…. We are now only a few days away from the most HISTORIC event EVER in our history and the opening of the New Flag Building with the release of Super Power and the Cause Resurgence Rundown! Thousands of Scientologists are flying in from 5. If there was ever a time to come to Flag to celebrate the biggest event, it is NOW! We are fully set up and prepared to arrive YOU to Flag for this historic occasion.
There are currently over 4. Time is of the essence – please respond today so we can arrange ALL logistics and accommodations for your stay. If you have any questions you can email me or reach me by phone at 1. FLAG. Can’t wait to see you here. Sincerely,Meagan Tucker. Dir Public Relations FSO We’re very confident of this e- mail’s provenance and of the source that forwarded it to us. But that’s not always the case.
Yesterday, some readers were taken in by an e- mail that turned out to be another unfunny hoax sent out by a group calling itself “Thetaburst. We’re all for satire here at the Underground Bunker, but the fake Scientology e- mails sent out by Thetaburst aren’t funny, and they just end up making more work for us as some of our loyal tipsters rush to get them to us.
It’s usually pretty easy to spot these fakes. In this case, “Assistant. Registrar” — one of Thetaburst’s giveaway names — claimed that the Super Power opening had been moved back to December 2. The event is being postponed to give the City of Clearwater 6 weeks lead time for the necessary permits,” the e- mail said. Hardy har har. So who is Thetaburst? Karen de la Carriere and her husband Jeffrey Augustine have been accused of being behind the hoaxes, but we’re convinced that isn’t the case. We’re not certain who is behind the hoax e- mails, but recently we had an interesting exchange with a man named Dave La.
Croix. On October 3, La. Croix sent us an e- mail which began, “I created the website www. Yvonne Gillham Jentzsch in a couple weeks.”The Yvonne Gilham article was published, and it has a wealth of information about Scientology in the 1. But we told La. Croix that about the same time he had reached out to us, we learned that another e- mail was being sent around promoting the Yvonne Gilham article, and it encouraged readers to send their own remembrances of her to the e- mail address “biographer@thetaburst. When we asked La. Croix about that, he responded, “Why do you want to know?”“I’m curious about the connection between scientolipedia. I’ll be glad to answer any questions about the story but not about my marketing strategies,” he responded.
We sent him a follow- up question, but it was the last we heard from him. Is La. Croix behind the Thetaburst fake e- mails? Whoever it is, we just wish it would stop. They’re just not funny. ——————–SUPER POWER COUNTDOWN: 4 Days to Go! With Scientology’s “Super Power Building” opening this Sunday, we’re counting down the days with some of the wild schematics of contraptions that were planned for the space- aged fifth floor. Today, we remember when we were first looking at one particular part of the floor plan and noticed a somewhat egg- shaped space on the right side with the strange name “Endocrine States”… Later, we found this wild cutaway view of the room, which apparently features some sort of tilt- a- whirl apparatus to rock a person back and forth… How such an apparatus would help to hone your endocrine system is a mystery to us, but here’s another view for the engineers out there to ponder… ——————–Posted by Tony Ortega on November 1.